Case Report
Nonoliguric hyperkalemia in a late preterm infant with severe birth asphyxia
Nonoliguric hyperkalemia (NOHK) is common during the first days after birth in premature infants with gestational age <28 weeks. It was rarely reported in term or late preterm infants. We present a case of a 3 hours baby at 34 weeks and 3 days’ gestational age who was delivered of severe birth asphyxia by cesarean section for failing to vaginal delivery. Serum potassium reached to 8.3 mmol/L at 12 hours age, with normal urinary output and serum urea and creatinine. Abnormal ECG of tall peaked T waves was developed. Marked fall in serum Ca2+ of 0.6 mmol/L and total calcium of 1.13 mmol/L was also noted. Cerebral lesions in the head MRI demonstrated extensive periventricular white matter injury.