Peaceful World

Posted On 2024-06-21 18:04:02

Title: Peaceful World

Cover story: "Peaceful World" is a watercolor painting. In the center, there is a striking prohibition symbol, with a brutal war scene inside it. The horrific scene contrasts sharply with the vibrant life outside the symbol. The English words "NO WAR" and "PEACE" in the painting highlight the Ryan's longing for a peaceful world. Under the blue sky, we share a common home, and our destinies are closely linked. Peace, like air and sunlight, is unnoticed when present but hard to live without. Peace is a common goal for all humanity and a deep hope in every heart. May the world be peaceful and all beings be loved!

Artist: Zhao Hanyu(Ryan), an 11-year-old boy from Beijing, is a cheerful and outgoing elementary school student with a wide range of interests. He enjoys reading, playing chess, playing the guitar, drawing, and playing basketball. Ryan loves traveling, looking up to appreciate the beauty of the world, and is passionate about biology, often observing the microscopic world through a microscope. His dream is to become a doctor and help all those in need.