Title: Sunflowers in the Darkness
Cover story: The painting is called Sunflowers in the Darkness, a 42*28cm water-color painting on black cardboard. Every night after dark, people cannot see anything but stay at home and wait for the sun to rise the next day. COVID-19 can make people sick and continues after two years, even worse recently. People are forced to stay at home and cannot go out, which is similar to getting dark every night. It is just that the darkness has gotten longer, and people stay in the darkness all the time. The sunflower is a plant that always follows the sun. So, if there are sunflowers in the darkness, can the "darkness" of COVID-19 end earlier? Maybe so!
Artist: Yuze Liang, a 6-year-old little boy, lives in Gansu province and is in kindergarten now. He has a cheerful and lively personality, full of curiosity about nature. His hobbies are painting, building blocks, and playing football. In addition, he is interested in artificial intelligence. He often says he dreams of doing driverless-related work in the future, even though this dream can easily change at his age.